What exactly does pollution effect?  Well, the main stakeholder that gets affected by pollution is wildlife.

Puget Sound Wildlife

Many species of wildlife are greatly affected by the effects of pollution.  Those species are located higher up in the food chain, where toxin levels are very high.

Examples of Puget Sound species that are affected and even killed by pollution are:

  • Orca whales
  • Eagles
  • Salmon
  • Crabs
  • Sea lions
  • Whales
  • Many more

Those animals have made the Puget Sound their home for many generations, and people have gotten use to watching an elegant bald eagle swooping down on its prey.  Or mabye people enjoy watching the sea lions with their playful antics.  Noone will be watching any of those if people don't act immediately to stop pollution.

There are some other causes for the substantial pollution declines of many species during the recent decades.  The main reason is overfishing.  Overfishing is where too many fish are caught and eaten too fast for the fish to breed and make new fish.  That can and has cause sharp population declines within just a few years.

We need to seriously consider the fact that we are driving many animals almost to the point of extinction.  If we don't stop pollution now, noone ever will and more and more animals will just die off one by one.

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